
Ageism in the Family

Gordon, S. & Gonzales, E. (2023) Ageism in the Family, (under review), Journal of Gerontological Social Work.

Acknowledging Systemic Discrimination in the Context of A Pandemic: Advancing an anti-racist and Anti-ageist Movement

Gonzales, E., Gordon, S., Whetung, C., Connaught, G., Collazo, J., & Hinton, J. (2021). Acknowledging systemic discrimination in the context of a pandemic: Advancing an anti-racist and anti-ageist movement. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 64(3), 223-237.

Gordon, S. & Gonzales, E. (2020). Building the Capacity of Neighborhoods and the Resilience of Neighbors to Respond to COVID-19: The Neighbor-to-Neighbor Volunteer Corps, in C. Tosone (ed.), Shared trauma, shared resilience during a pandemic: Social work in the time of COVID-19. Springer Nature.

Building the Capacity of Neighborhoods and the Resilience of Neighbors to Respond to COVID- 19: The Neighbor-to-Neighbor Volunteer Corps

Shared Trauma, Shared Resilience During a Pandemic: Social Work in the Time of COVID-19

Tosone, C. (Ed.). (2020). Shared trauma, shared resilience during a pandemic: Social work in the time of COVID-19. Springer Nature.



  • Dorot GENuine Connections, The Wrinkle Salon, 2023

  • Gerontological Society on Aging Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, Ageism in the Family (poster presentation on original research), 2022

  • Keynote Address, 9th Annual Southeastern Idaho Psi Chi Conference, Changing the Narrative Around Age, 2021

  • New York City Department for the Aging, Summit on Ageism, 2021

  • Association of Retirees in Higher Education, International Conference (virtual) - Ageism in the Family, 2021

  • College University Work Family Association and Work and Family Research Network Joint Conference, Accepted Presentations, (pandemic-related canceled conference) Structural Ageism and Age Discrimination in the Workplace, June, 2020

  • NY State Society on Aging “The Wrinkle Salon”, 2018

  • NASW Leadership Program, Chicago, Illinois, “Assessment and Care Planning”, 2017

  • The Death Cafe, Held in New York, Chicago, Jerusalem, Haifa , October 2015, January 2016, March, 2018, December, 2020 (virtual)

  • Multiple Presentations in Israel through B’Lev Shalem, and the US through ElderOptions, on topics such as Aging in Place, The Sandwich Generation, Planning for Aging, Caregiving for a Family Member, Hiring, Training and Managing In-Home Caregivers -2012-2016

  • NASW Leadership Program, Lecture on Assessment and Care Planning, 2017

  • The Death Cafe, Chicago, Jerusalem, Haifa , October 2015, January 2016

  • Multiple Presentations in Israel and the US on topics such as Aging in Place, The Sandwich Generation, Planning for Aging, Caregiving for a Family Member, Hiring, Training and Managing In-Home Caregivers - 2012-2015